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The future of agribusiness, here and now.

Otimize processos de manejo
e operações de controle de qualidade industrial com um sistema completo para gerenciamento de dados

Estamos revolucionando a forma de gerar dados agrícolas através da análise de imagens.

Nosso maior orgulho é ter usinas de cana-de-açúcar
e produtores como nossos maiores parceiros nessa transformação digital do agronegócio brasileiro.

+ 75 milhões

de imagens

+ 800 mil

amostras de
impurezas vegetais analisadas

+ 90 clientes

Otimize processos de manejo
e operações de controle de qualidade industrial com um sistema completo para gerenciamento de dados

Estamos revolucionando a forma de gerar dados agrícolas através da análise de imagens.

Nosso maior orgulho é ter usinas de cana-de-açúcar
e produtores como nossos maiores parceiros nessa transformação digital do agronegócio brasileiro.

+ 75 milhões

de imagens

+ 800 mil

amostras de
impurezas vegetais analisadas

+ 90 clientes

Ativo 3.png

Cromai Atlas

Gerencie dados de manejo.

É fácil, intuitivo e pronto para

ser adaptado para a realidade de sua operação.

Envie imagens brutas para ortorretificação, acompanhe

o processamento de dados, customize os resultados

e tenha automaticamente arquivos para pulverização localizada.


Impressions of Cromai in the field

"From our perspective, Cromai's solution brings forth information and agility accessible to the entire company. The impacts are positive and aid in significantly more accurate decision-making, leading to substantial cost savings. I believe that all mills are inclined towards digitizing their management processes, and those who adapt swiftly will achieve faster responses and superior outcomes."

Coordinator agricultural of one of the mills in which we are operating.

" The impact of our partnership with Cromai on weed control has been extremely positive. Specifically, our main focus is on combating broadleaf weeds (castor bean, velvet bean, morning glory), where Cromai's solution provides unprecedented visibility of our crops. Previously, we had to do a blanket application, but now we can opt for targeted removal, resulting in a direct impact on operational costs and inputs, leading to significant savings."

Coordinator of cultural dealings of one of the mills in which we are operating.

"The greatest benefits are the herbicide savings and not compromising sugarcane productivity by applying products to cane that is not in competition with weeds."

cultural affairs manager of one of the mills in which we are operating.

Cromai in the midia

In the "Invest in Brazil" series by Euronews, Guilherme Castro (CEO of Cromai) highlights how investments in innovation, research, and agronomic development have turned Brazil into an agricultural powerhouse and one of the world's largest food exporters.


At Cromai, our mission is to make agriculture more efficient and sustainable by harnessing artificial intelligence to generate field data and optimize processes, reduce costs and increase productivity. Ultimately, the CEO emphasized that we are leading one of the most significant revolutions in agriculture, propelling us to a new level of efficiency!

Fale Conosco

Schedule a conversation with a consultant

Contact our team to find out how to use Cromai solutions.

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